Press Release May 22 2023
Press Release May 22 2023
Tunisian AI Society
The Tunisian Think Tank
The association RECONNECTT, the network of the Tunisian high-level scientists abroad, has just launched the Tunisian Artificial Intelligence Society (TAIS). Its main objective is to promote a culture of artificial intelligence in Tunisia.
The Tunisian AI Society is a forum for discussion and reflection on artificial intelligence that brings together more than thirty Tunisian experts in artificial intelligence with varied but complementary profiles. In the panel are researchers from the most renowned universities in the world, but also leaders and experts in key positions in major companies of GAFAM and in the financial sector. In addition, the network of the Tunisian AI Society reaches out to Europe and North American countries, in addition to Tunisian experts resident in Tunisia.
The inaugural meeting of the Tunisian AI Society was held on April 15, 2023 at a distance. The session was jointly moderated by Dr. Sami Ayari, president and founder of RECONNECTT and Dr. Salma Jamoussi, lecturer at the University of Sfax and winner of the Tunisian Women in Tech 2022 award.
The members of Tunisian AI Society present discussed, based on a roadmap proposed by the two moderators. The discussion focused on the purpose of the network, its overall strategy as well as its lines of action on the short and medium term.
The expert members of the Tunisian AI Society were willing to be a force of proposal to define a Tunisian strategy in AI. The idea of a white paper on AI in Tunisia was discussed at the first meeting. The association aspires to share the knowledge and skills of its members with young Tunisians, both in terms of technical skills and social and communication skills. The different axes of work concern training courses, partnerships with Tunisian public and private universities, the organization of scientific events, etc.
The focus was also on the importance of social networks and the development of professional relationships for young Tunisians. A particular attention was given to the consolidation of the skills of Tunisian graduates in order to improve their employability in the fields of data and AI in Tunisia and worldwide.
The first meeting of the Tunisian AI Society was closed with the objective of setting up working groups on possible areas of action. The goal is to formulate proposals to define an action plan for the network in the short and medium term.
Attendees :
- Sami Ayari, président et fondateur de Reconnectt et coordinateur général du Tunisian AI Society, France
- Hassine Saidane, fondateur d’Optimal Data Science- Californie, États-Unis
- Nahla Ben amor, professeur d’informatique à l’ISG- Tunis, Tunisie
- Asma Ben Abacha, chercheur principal chez Microsoft Health AI- Maryland, États-Unis
- Farouk Ferchichi, président, Envestnet Data & Analytics-Texas, États-Unis
- Hichem Sellami, architecte en chef des solutions et cofondateur d’Incorta- Californie, États-Unis
- Zina ben Miled, professeur associé à la Purdue School of Engineering and Technology- Indianapolis, États-Unis
- Karima Zmerli, directrice Google, New York, États-Unis
- Hassen Dhrif, chercheur senior -Manager Amazon- Washington, États-Unis
- Imed Zitouni, directeur de l’ingénierie chez Google- Washington, États-Unis
- Karim Hajjaji, Santander – Global Banking and Markets – Global COO, Royaume-Uni
- Mohamed Jmaiel, professeur en informatique-Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Sfax, co-fondateur Cluster HealthTECH, Tunisie
- Brahim Hnich, professeur d’informatique, Université de Monastir, Tunisie
- Maledh Marrakchi, Fondateur MindofMind, Tunisie
- Salma Jamoussi, Professeur associé d’informatique-Université de Sfax- Prix Tunisian Women in Tech 2022, Tunisie
- Faten Chaieb, Professeur d’informatique à l’Efrei Research Lab, Université Paris Panthéon-Assas, France
- Ali Guermazi, Professeur de radiologie et de médecine à l’école de médecine de l’université de Boston, Massachusetts, États-Unis
- Wissem Ajili Ben Youssef, professeur associé, directeur des programmes MBA finance, ESLSCA Business School, prix Tunisian Women in Finance 2022, France
- Riadh Dhaou, professeur à l’Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, France
- Imène Brigui, professeur EM Lyon business school – AI, Chercheuse, directrice académique du MSc. DS & AI Strategy, Forbes Contributeur, France
- Olfa Nasraoui, professeur titulaire de la chaire, directeur fondateur du Knowledge Discovery & Web Mining Lab, PI d’Athena -NSF Advance, Univ. de Louisville, États-Unis
- Zaineb Chelly Dagdia-Garcia, Professeur associé Laboratoire de données et d’algorithmes pour une ville intelligente et durable (DAVID), UVSQ, Université Paris-Saclay, France
he Tunisian AI Society is a forum for discussion and reflection on artificial intelligence that brings together more than thirty Tunisian experts in artificial intelligence with varied but complementary profiles. In the panel are researchers from the most renowned universities in the world, but also leaders and experts in key positions in major companies of GAFAM and in the financial sector. In addition, the network of the Tunisian AI Society reaches out to Europe and North American countries, in addition to Tunisian experts resident in Tunisia
- Emna Harigua, Scientifique des données et bio informaticiennes, spécialisé dans la découverte et la conception de médicaments assistées par ordinateur, Institut Pasteur Tunis, Tunisie
- Amel Ghouila, chargée de programme principal Écosystème Data Science, Sciences quantitatives, Santé Globale, Fondation Gates, Seattle, États-Unis
- Naoual Amrouche, professeur associé en Marketing, Long Island University, États-Unis
- Karim Souidi, consultant principal, statistiques et analyses- Ontario, Canada
- Ferdaous Chaabane, Professeur associé et Conseiller scientifique pour les applications industrielles, SUPCOM- Tunis, Tunisie
- Firas Hadj Taieb, co-responsable mondial de la stratégie et de la recherche en matière de trading quantitatif, Instinet-Londres, Royaume-Uni
- Rahma Beaugrand, directeur général adjoint, responsable du conseil aux clients et de l’avant-vente pour le Moyen-Orient et le Sud, SAP-Dubaï, Émirats arabes unis.